
Customer Testimonials

Average rating: 8 reviews
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Sarah Banister
My husband and I had an ongoing issue with our blower motor for years and it finally died right when it started getting cold outside. I called Climate-Tech and Jeff was able to come out to our house the same day and diagnose the situation. His team was then able to come out and repair everything two days later. I am so grateful to them and they were so helpful and kind! I 100% recommend them to anyone.
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Noah Wark

Jeff is outstanding! He is very knowledgeable and accommodating. I am super grateful for these guys!!

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Jacqueline Wykes

Answered or returned calls immediately, booked an appointment within two days. Very accommodating and professional! Thank you!

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Anne Baxter

My AC went out and they were here the next day. The technician was exceedingly kind, professional and pleasant. After a couple bad experiences, I’m glad I found them and will continue to use this company.

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Joe Garza

I had Jeff out 2Day 2 service my home AC System. He quickly found the problem. Climate-Tech is professional. Experienced .quality service 4 a Fair price.Would recommend 2 everyone. GOT a Heat & Cooling problem..don’t Hesitate..Call CLIMATE-TECH. Thank U again Je

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Complete Residential Heating & Cooling Repair, Replace & Installation Services in Ann Arbor, Belleville, Canton, Milan, Saline, Sumpter, Superior Twp., Ypsilanti and any area in between.

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